I wear several different hats and so unfortunately for both you and for me I haven't got a quick answer to the question 'What are your rates?' I realise it's useful to have some indication of prices, so I've given a little more detail below. I try to mix 'passion' projects with 'profit' projects whenever I can, so if in doubt it's always worth enquiring – just get in touch via my contact page.
I work on small editing projects that take just one or a few hours as well as books. My minimum charge is £60. Rates vary according to the project and the level of intervention in the text that's required. For example, rates might vary for prose/poetry, professional writer/new writer/non-native speaker, and so on.
Copyediting/line editing is more expensive than proofreading. The CIEP publishes
suggested minimum hourly rates – please note that mine are above minimum as I am an Advanced Professional Member. For longer projects, such as a book or editorial project management, we can agree a fee.
If you have a manuscript that you would like to reach readers but you're not sure how to go about making this happen, you can schedule an hour-long Zoom call with me. I will read 3000 words of your material in advance and we can explore next steps. For example, we might talk about levels of editing required; or what's involved in querying agents, hybrid publishing or self-publishing, and which route is right for what you are trying to achieve. The charge for this service is £85.
For workshops, training sessions and tutorials, please get in touch to discuss rates.
I love meeting readers and poets and hearing and sharing poetry. If you'd like me to join your book club session or poetry event there's no charge for this if you don't have a budget. Having had Long Covid I particularly like to give back to the community if I can, so please don't hesitate to ask. If people then go on to buy my book or borrow it from the library that is wonderful.
Copyright © Anna Davidson 2024, 2025. All Rights Reserved.
Main portrait by Jade Tinkler Photography